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Business Opportunitie "Sell Health" Empty
PostSubject: Business Opportunitie "Sell Health"   Business Opportunitie "Sell Health" EmptySun Apr 20, 2008 10:19 pm

Individual Earnings for Top Affiliates Still $25,000-$50,000+ Per Month.

Affiliates have continued to bank industry leading commissions as Leading Edge Cash completes the final stage of their brand transition to Sell Health. It's proof that while the company name has changed to better reflect their focus on health solutions in the anti-aging, weight loss, skin care, and sexual health markets, their commitment to helping their individual affiliates be successful is stronger than ever.

Victoria, British Columbia July 14th, 2009 -- The company name may have changed. But the commission payouts haven't. Affiliates of the new Sell Health (formerly Leading Edge Cash) are still earning industry leading commissions of 30% to 50% -- as much as $350 on any single referred sale.

"It's true," says Mike Wonnacott, Director of Marketing, "Most of our affiliates haven't batted an eye at our brand transition. It has been seamless. We have a really strong, positive relationship with our network."

And it's no wonder. They've had one of the top affiliate programs in this category since 2001, selling quality natural health products that are all fully endorsed by doctors and produced by the same cGMP certified manufacturer that major retailers like Wal-mart use to produce life-saving drugs.

"Plus I think it's worth emphasizing that we've got an excellent track-record of paying out commissions — on time, every month, without hassle," says Wonnacott.

And pay out commissions they do. Top affiliates in the network are generating individual commission payments of between $25,000 and $50,000 a month. Of course, not all of their 30,000+ affiliates earn this kind of income. But a higher than average percentage still earn a respectable six figures annually promoting their products.

"We believe in creating easy wins for our affiliates to keep them motivated," says Wonnacott, "Our philosophy is that we should be doing 85% of the heavy lifting to close each new sale. So we give our affiliates all the marketing tools they need to promote our products. And we make sure each of our sales pages is fully optimized to convert maximum referred traffic into buyers."

With demand for nutritional supplements poised to grow by 39% to reach $8.5 Billion in the US alone by 2012 (, affiliates remain in an excellent position to continue generating sizeable commission checks -- especially with the promise of some exciting new promotions on the horizon to celebrate the successful completion of this brand transition.

To get more information about the Affiliate Network or their complete line-up of natural health products, contact Mike Wonnacott or visit the link below.

Company Overview:

Sell Health is an industry leader in anti-aging, weight loss, skin care, and sexual health products formulated with natural ingredients to make you feel more youthful, attractive, and vibrant without the use of harmful prescription drugs. All products are fully endorsed by doctors, herbalists, and therapists — and rated #1 for results by clients. Visit the link below for more details.
Contact Information:

Go HERE: Sell Health
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Female Number of posts : 3
Humor : if you cant beat them join them.... lol
Picture : Just Do It!
Points : 54904
Registration date : 2009-11-27

Business Opportunitie "Sell Health" Empty
PostSubject: like it   Business Opportunitie "Sell Health" EmptyFri Nov 27, 2009 6:35 pm

Business Opportunitie "Sell Health" Icon_bounce i really like the idea of having this capsule....
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