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 Good health begins with the health of your gut.

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Good health begins with the health of your gut. Empty
PostSubject: Good health begins with the health of your gut.   Good health begins with the health of your gut. EmptyWed Oct 29, 2014 7:29 pm

Good health begins with the health of your gut. If your gut is damaged or you have an abundance of pathogenic microorganisms, it is impossible to be healthy. The gut must be addressed daily in order for one to live a lifestyle that builds health. Key compounds such as probiotics and humic substances are key to improving the health of the digestive tract.

Imbalances in the intestinal terrain may lead to or contribute to the propagation of yeast overgrowth, parasites and harmful bacterial growth. Introducing the right type of probiotic strains of microorganisms on a daily basis is a powerful way to regulate your gut health. This daily practice will improve your immune and digestive systems and help improve hormonal and brain health.
Signs of poor gut health:

Leaky gut syndrome
Food allergies/sensitivities
Skin fungus
Nutritional malabsorption
Chronic fatigue
Hormonal dysfunction
Acid reflux
Abdominal bloating
Crohn's disease
Adrenal fatigue
Joint pain
Bad breath
Ulcerative colitis
Asthma and allergies
Low energy
Mental disturbances
Liver and gallbladder problems
Stomach or duodenal ulcers
Your gut is alive:

There is thought to be about 500 different species of microorganisms within the gut. Many of the microorganisms in the human gut have yet to be characterized. The majority of the gut is made up of different forms of bacteria, but there are also many forms of yeasts, single-celled eukaryotes, helminth parasites and various viruses.

Microbial cells make up anywhere from three to six pounds of weight within the individual. Communities of microorganisms are located in every exposed area and cavity of the body. However, the gut provides a dark, moist environment with a continuous supply of nutrition, so it is the optimal breeding ground for microbial life.

The importance of beneficial microbes:

This internal ecosystem is dependent upon certain beneficial species being widespread and in control. These symbiotic microbes are progenic in that they support life. The health of the body and mind are especially dependent upon the health of the human microbiome. The ideal ratio of progenic to pathogenic microbes is thought to be 85:15.

These organisms provide a protective barrier that guards the intestinal wall against pathogenic bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses and environmental toxins. These organisms also create antimicrobial substances that destroy pathogenic organisms. They are very powerful natural antibiotics, antivirals and antifungals.

Humic substances and human health:

Humic substances (humic and fulvic acids) are considered the most chemically active compounds in soil, and they help support the growth and development of the good microbes within the intestinal tract. Both humic and fulvic acids are major organic constituents of soil, coal, streams, lakes and ocean water.

Fulvic acid contains over 60 minerals and trace elements and is essential for cellular health. Humans always consumed these humic substances by consuming dirt on fruits and vegetables. Today, we wash and over-sterilize all our produce and very rarely get any of these highly beneficial soil compounds.

These humic substances act as powerful electrolytes and antioxidants. They are also natural chelators that bind and pull out toxic substances such as pesticides, herbicides, bad microbes and heavy metals. Their colloidal nature allows them to help the cells more efficiently respire, hydrate, absorb nutrients such as amino acids and eliminate wastes more effectively.

This combination of benefits allows for a healthier internal environment which enhances the probiotics' ability to flourish. These substances provide a multitude of benefits but are currently classified as "prebiotics" because of their beneficial effects on the gut flora.

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To Your Health!

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