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Stimulife Health Blog
Health and wellness has become a hot topic in recent years. From yoga classes to new diets, everyone seems to be on the hunt for the next big thing. You don’t need a fitness membership or a personal chef to be healthy; sometimes the answer can be found with a simple click of your mouse.

This wellness blogs is great way to stay informed and be inspired when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. From nutrition and fitness to spiritual and mental health, this website is full of useful resources to help boost your well-being.

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 Ganoderma MLM Coffee business

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2 posters

Number of posts : 1
Picture : Just Do It!
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Registration date : 2015-04-26

Ganoderma MLM Coffee business Empty
PostSubject: Ganoderma MLM Coffee business   Ganoderma MLM Coffee business EmptySun Apr 26, 2015 11:44 pm

DXN is a multilevel marketing company based in Malaysia. DXN was founded in 1993 by Dato' Dr. Lim Siow Jin.The core business activities of DXN include the cultivation, manufacturing and marketing of health food supplements containing Ganoderma or Lingzhi.

The company's other products include food and beverages, personal care products, skin care & cosmetic products, household products and water treatment systems. DXN's motto is ´One Dragon One World One Market and One Mind´.

Looking For a MLM company to join?

Consider This:

-This is not a scam
-not pyramiding
-not binary
-has licensing of products
-company has its own cultivation,own factories, own distribution network
(One World One Market)
14 years in the Philippines
20 years in Malaysia
Recognized around the World

]How to Join DXN..?

Join DXN Global now and be part of more than 20 million satisfied DXN distributors and members over 160+ countries worldwide. YOU should be next, so join us now!. Experience the health benefits of using DXN products. Receive a lifetime discount that will save you money, then create an opportunity to start your own business. Remember, Having a good health is an investment, not an expense! All Health products are available only through authorized DXN Service Centers worldwide or through International Networking System. Please check for the Service Centers near you to purchase this product or Contact Me to inquire for details on how to purchase with discount.

The Benefits of a DXN Member:

Lifetime membership (one-time) no renewal
International Sponsoring
Residual Income
Generous Compensation Plan
No time frame in achieving Position
Cell phone Incentive (one time)
Travel Incentive (one time)
Inheritance – Transferable membership

Three Methods that Generate Income at DXN:

Usage Business – Being a DXN Wise Consumer you will enjoy the benefits of good and healthy products and a lifetime discounts from 15% to 25%. You will earn points every time you purchase DXN items for personal use and those points earned are subject for cash rebates.
Recommendation Business (Extra Income) – By endorsing the products to people (consumers/customers) you will earn a retail profits from 15% to 25% of every product purchased including its points value.

Invitation Business (Career Opportunity) – Invite your friends, friends of friends. Teach them how to become DXN Wise Consumer Members. When they become DXN members, you will earn commission from all the items they purchased from DXN grocery stores world wide.

This opportunity is open to all, nationwide and worldwide (over 170 countries), any race, any nation, any gender, as long as 18yrs old and above and need to have


Change to dxn brand now, and start helping others to earn.

To understand further on how it works, we are giving FREE orientation,

Please contact
Vic +639283430357 and my own personal page:
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Male Number of posts : 267
Age : 58
Location : Albert,Canada
Job/hobbies : Exercise, online stuff and Motorcycles.
Picture : Vitality For Life!
Points : 62503
Registration date : 2007-12-21

Ganoderma MLM Coffee business Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ganoderma MLM Coffee business   Ganoderma MLM Coffee business EmptyMon Apr 27, 2015 10:00 am

Looks like a great opportunity. How long have you been in? Very Happy
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Ganoderma MLM Coffee business
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