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 Blu-Lina Organic Spirulina

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Blu-Lina Organic Spirulina Empty
PostBlu-Lina Organic Spirulina

Blu-Lina Organic Spirulina by Regeneration USA is a highly nutritious and easily digested algae water plant. Spirulina has been an important and rich food source for peoples of Africa and the America's for centuries. In modern times, it earned widespread popularity as a dietary supplement when NASA began including it in the space diet of astronauts.

Spirulina contains unusually high amounts of vegetable protein (3-4 times higher than fish or beef) and iron, which may be particularly useful for vegetarians. Spirulina contains all 8 essential amino acids. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes and anti-oxidants. It contains high levels of phycocyanin, carotenoids which protects cells (5 times more than carrots, 40 time more than spinach), and high volumes of essential fatty acids (which may reduce cholesterol and prevent heart disease).

Spirulina is known to be a prebiotic, encouraging the growth of helpful bacteria in the gut. Studies have noted the beneficial effects of spirulina supplementation for blood lipid profiles, inflammation reduction, and antioxidant capacity in patients with type 2 Diabetes.

Studies confirm that spirulina strengthens immunity; it improves the activity of white blood cells, stimulates antibodies and increases the population of natural killer cells. It is a potent anti-viral food.

Spirulina is high in chlorophyll, which builds healthy blood, resulting in better circulation and less inflammation. It may also prevent premature aging.

Blu-Lina Organic Spirulina by Regeneration USA combines the powerful antioxidant properties of Zanthin Natural Astaxanthin to form a powerful superfood!

Product Facts
Free of wheat, processed sugars, syrup, gluten, corn, salt, hydrogenated oils, soy, rice, barley, dairy, egg, yeast, caffeine, synthetic sweeteners, artificial color, fragrance, preservatives, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and genetically modified organisms (GMO's).

Free of heavy metals, sodium benzoate, potassium chloride, or other artificial preservatives. No heat, acid, or chemicals used during processing.

Contains no flow agents, fillers or excipients.

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