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Health and wellness has become a hot topic in recent years. From yoga classes to new diets, everyone seems to be on the hunt for the next big thing. You don’t need a fitness membership or a personal chef to be healthy; sometimes the answer can be found with a simple click of your mouse.

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 How would you like to drink FREE coffee?

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Male Number of posts : 267
Age : 58
Location : Albert,Canada
Job/hobbies : Exercise, online stuff and Motorcycles.
Picture : Vitality For Life!
Points : 62503
Registration date : 2007-12-21

How would you like to drink FREE coffee? Empty
PostSubject: How would you like to drink FREE coffee?   How would you like to drink FREE coffee? EmptySun Dec 27, 2015 4:22 pm

How would you like to drink FREE coffee?

When you become a Preferred Customer of Javita, you have the opportunity to drink your product every day for FREE! How? When you begin seeing the results you can get from this revolutionary coffee (and others start seeing them too!), you'll be compelled to tell everyone you know your secret.

As a Preferred Customer, you enjoy huge cost savings by having your product automatically shipped to you every month. By simply referring at least THREE others to this coffee who purchase a product kit of greater or equal value as yours on auto delivery, you'll receive your coffee FREE the following month.

If you do this each month, your coffee will be free every month! What could be better?

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Male Number of posts : 267
Age : 58
Location : Albert,Canada
Job/hobbies : Exercise, online stuff and Motorcycles.
Picture : Vitality For Life!
Points : 62503
Registration date : 2007-12-21

How would you like to drink FREE coffee? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How would you like to drink FREE coffee?   How would you like to drink FREE coffee? EmptySun Oct 02, 2016 8:23 pm


52 chewble tablets for $49.97


Chew0ff “chewables” are cherry berry flavored, power packed, healthy bite-sized snacks. With water, they can help satisfy your hunger, give you extra energy, increase your metabolism and provide fiber, vitamins, minerals and more. They really are amazing and they're Gluten-Free!

Here are just some of the more prominent ingredients that make Chew0ff so effective in helping you lose that unwanted extra weight:




Raspberry Ketones are a natural substance that not only give red raspberries their powerful aroma but also have significant health and weight loss benefits. Scientific studies have shown that Raspberry Ketones can play a significant role in the breakdown of fat within the body.


Cranberry Juice Powder




Cranberry Juice Powder has all of the same health benefits as its liquid counterpart and more!

Here are just some of the benefits Cranberry Juice Powder can provide for you:



    • Helps prevent infections in the urinary tract

    • Helps prevent the creation of kidney stones

    • Helps prevent various types of cancer

    • Helps prevent yeast infections

    • Helps lower blood pressure

    • Helps prevent cardio vascular disease

    • Supports healthy teeth and gums

    • High in antioxidants, protecting cells from free radical damage

    • May reduce levels of LDL or bad cholesterol

    • May increase levels of HDL or good cholesterol



Sunfiber® is more than just “some” fiber, it is THE fiber you want. Sunfiber® is among the most adaptable of all dietary fibers. It’s an excellent pre-biotic for maintaining digestive health and microflora balance. It is tasteless, colorless, odorless, gluten-free, and 100% water-soluble. It also features a very low viscosity, remains stable at low pH levels and is extremely resistant to high temperatures.

Sunfiber® promotes intestinal and colon health, aids in the transit of food through the intestines, and assists weight control by providing a satiety effect (you feel satisfied and not hungry). Sunfiber® promotes the absorption of essential minerals and helps the body combat increased blood glucose levels by controlling the glycemic index of foods.

Vitamin and mineral blend

We took great care to make sure that the specific vitamin and mineral blend in Chew0ff was designed to provide you the most optimum results in maintaining good health as you lose extra pounds and inches. You can’t just starve yourself to get thin. You have to provide your body with the right nutrients to stay healthy while you lose weight. That’s exactly what Chew0ff does. The vitamin B complex, vitamin D3, folic acid and chromium all work together synergistically to help you maintain a perfect “in-between-meal” nutritional balance.

Chew0ff is naturally flavored with natural flavorings, and there are no artificial sweeteners. We only use xylitol and stevia, which are not only safe and tasty sugar alternatives, but also potent natural compounds that provide multiple health benefits. While both sweeteners improve glucose tolerance and reduce insulin needs, thereby reducing risk of age-related disease, stevia can also lower elevated blood pressure while xylitol can help prevent cavities and ear infections, and possibly strengthen bones.

When you get right down to it, no matter how good something is for you, or how much it’s going to help you lose weight, if it doesn’t taste good, you’re probably not going to keep taking it for very long. That’s why we’ve made sure that along with all the health enhancing, fat reducing benefits Chew0ff provides, it just plain tastes good as well.

Always make sure to drink a full bottle of purified water from your Drink0ff filtered water bottle when taking a Chew0ff chewable.


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