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Can Bleaching Hair Cause Permanent Hair Loss? Empty
PostCan Bleaching Hair Cause Permanent Hair Loss?

What makes us tick is the way we carry ourselves. Similarly, it is how we style our hair—a person’s crowning glory—that makes us look fabulous. The way we usually wear our hair says a lot about who we are. Similarly, hair colouring. For a unique look, some people would make drastic changes and use blue or green shades. However, the most common question is –

Can Bleach Permanently Damage Hair Follicles ?

Hair dye can cause damage to your hair, but it rarely causes hair loss. Hair dyeing causes small amounts of protein loss, which can make your hair appear thinner, especially if you lighten your hair color. BUT IT HAS THE POSSIBILITY OF CAUSING LONG-TERM DAMAGE.

Bleach is the most potentially harmful of all the coloring methods, so it is best to have it done by a professional. Bleaching raises the outer cuticle of your hair, allowing the bleaching agent to fully penetrate the hair shaft and react with the stable pigment molecules, breaking them down into components that will wash the pigments right out.

It also weakens the strand by breaking down the natural fatty acids on the hair shaft. This is irreversible damage, and the longer you bleach, the more severe it becomes. Repeated bleaching can also raise the cuticle scales permanently, allowing for rapid and continuous moisture loss. Bleach damage is both cumulative and permanent, and your ends will be less prepared to withstand it.

Temporary hair loss may occur, however, if:

Chemical burns were caused by the bleach, and these burns can harm your scalp and hair follicles. Hair loss may occur as a result of this.
It can also cause hair breakage at the scalp level if the hair was in poor condition prior to the bleaching service.
The scalp has become inflamed and sore as a result of a bleach/dye (obvious if present).
How To Stop Hair Loss After Bleaching?


Check the condition of your hair with a Trichologists before bleaching or dying it. Before bleaching, a Trichologists can provide a pre-bleaching treatment to condition the scalp.
Apply a deep conditioning treatment or a hair moisturizing mask three days before and after bleaching or highlighting, and then once a week after that. This will help to “moisturize and prepare” the hair, making it more elastic and less likely to break during the bleaching process.
Before the procedure, always get a patch test.
It is recommended that you have your hair bleached by a professional because hair bleaching is only intended for “off the scalp” use and is not meant to come into contact with the skin – particularly the delicate skin of the scalp. As a result, don’t try to do it on your own.
If you experience any burning during the bleaching process, tell your stylist because it could be a sign of a scalp burn or an allergic reaction. The procedure should be terminated. If the burning sensation persists, see a Trichologists.
Examine your scalp after the bleaching. Do you have any skin roughness or scabbing? Do you have a red, irritated, or burned scalp? If it does, you may have suffered chemical burns as a result of chemicals that were either too strong or to which you were allergic. Consult a Trichologists as soon as possible to have your condition diagnosed and treated before it worsens and becomes permanent.
Do you have a lot of hair falling out at the scalp after bleaching? This could be due to the hair not being in good enough condition to receive the service. In this case, you should consult a Trichologists as soon as possible and begin a preparative regimen. However, until your hair regrows and is replaced by new growth, it will never be the same. The best thing you can do is seek professional assistance to create the ideal environment for a healthy scalp. More HERE
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