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PostBrain Health

It is about 60-65% fat, so the saying “you have a fat head” is quite applicable here. The brain controls virtually every activity vital for human survival such as movement, hunger, thirst, sleep, temperature regulation, and many other physiological activities throughout the body. It is also responsible for our memory and understanding and plays a crucial role in many of the emotions that we experience as humans.

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When we provide the body with the right nutrients that it needs to rebuild or maintain proper body structures, the brain benefits significantly.

It is a crucial dependency because as the brain is replenished, so does the body and vice versa. Proper nutrition, adequate exercise, the right amount of sleep, healthy social interactions, spiritual and emotional wholeness, and keeping the brain sufficiently engaged in different, challenging activities are all vital components for the proper function of the human brain.

As mentioned, some experts believe these types of oils may be contributing to the epidemic of heart disease, and other chronic conditions we see today.5, 6, 7 In addition, avoid the use of lard, shortening, margarine or other spreads that are high in unhealthy saturated fats and hydrogenated oils or trans fat. Also, these processed fats and oils can contain preservatives like BHT, sodium benzoate etc., and artificial coloring and flavoring. Prepare your food using real butter from grass fed or free range animals, raw coconut oil, or extra virgin olive oil. Note: Extra virgin olive oil provides maximum health benefits to the body when it is used in the food after cooking because its health promoting substances can be destroyed by high heat.

Eat cold-water fish such as wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna, herring, cod, and trout for instance. These fish are high in good omega-3 fatty acids—EPA and DHA. Just avoid all shellfish including lobsters, crab etc, shark and all other fish without scales.8

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