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 TheSmartzWay #8

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Male Number of posts : 267
Age : 57
Location : Albert,Canada
Job/hobbies : Exercise, online stuff and Motorcycles.
Picture : Vitality For Life!
Points : 61853
Registration date : 2007-12-21

TheSmartzWay #8 Empty
PostSubject: TheSmartzWay #8   TheSmartzWay #8 EmptyMon Feb 04, 2008 10:13 pm

The SmartZ Way to Network Marketing - Renegade Marketing
- excerpts FREE over 4+ weeks.

After learning about all of these techniques and reading The Renegade Network
Marketer, one of the questions a lot of people have is, "So where does the phone fit into
all of this?"

This is a vital aspect of this whole business that often gets completely overlooked by the
internet crowd: The human interaction.

As I said at the beginning of this book, "sales" and "selling" have always kind of been dirty words in network marketing. You will hear many websites and automated marketing systems say things like, "No selling needed ... you never have to talk to anyone ... no phone skills required" etc."

It’s important to point out though that there’s a big difference between "selling" or - as we discussed in the first chapter, direct sales - and one-on-one interaction.

Ultimately, your goal should be to get your marketing system built up to the point where you no longer have to personally sell. This is entirely possible and it’s infinitely more
leveraged than doing it one at a time.

However, this does not mean you ever want to completely remove the personal
interaction from your business.
Obviously, just because you’re talking to someone on the phone doesn’t mean you have to be trying to get them to buy something. You can build these personal relationships with people after they’ve bought from you or joined your business.

Today, More Than Ever, In Our High-Tech World,
Human Interaction Is Not Only I
mportant - It’s Mandatory.

As evidence of this, check out this quote by Michel Fortin:

"The more technology driven we become (i.e., the more automated, static,
robotic and impersonal we become, as is the case with the web), the more
we will crave and seek out human interaction."

Who is Michel Fortin and why would his opinion mean anything?
Well, he’s easily one of the most successful and respected internet copywriters out there

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