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Health and wellness has become a hot topic in recent years. From yoga classes to new diets, everyone seems to be on the hunt for the next big thing. You don’t need a fitness membership or a personal chef to be healthy; sometimes the answer can be found with a simple click of your mouse.
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Number of posts : 267 Age : 58 Location : Albert,Canada Job/hobbies : Exercise, online stuff and Motorcycles. Picture : Vitality For Life! Points : 62503 Registration date : 2007-12-21
Subject: 10 Basic Fitness Tips Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:52 am
Tip no.1- Move it or lose it (the no-brainer). Do at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. I'm not talking about a walk in the park, although you can do that on the side. I mean 30 minutes or if you feel that you’re up to it, why not make it 60 minutes instead of pushing your body beyond what it's used to. You might be thinking that you are going to put yourself through some really agonizing workouts, in fact not. Basic fitness tips can be found almost anywhere, you can look it up on the internet, read it from health and fitness magazines and you can also get them from your fitness trainer.
Tip no.2- Stop putting up with stuff that's holding you back from being healthy, fit, and energized. Stop putting up with things which are holding you back from being a healthy active person. Stop complaining and start doing something progressive with your life. Do these same basic fitness tips in your workplace. There should be no excuse for you to be healthy and fit.
Tip no.3- Fruits and veggies. You should be getting between five to seven servings of vegetables and fruits a day.
Not only do they reduce your risk of getting some forms of cancer they are heart healthy, and give you more nutrition-bang for your buck. Plus with the added fiber, you feel fuller even when you're eating less.
Tip no.4- Simplify your life, immediately. You can begin by cutting out at least three goals, wants, could, should, responsibilities, tasks, and projects, among others, that you don't need. You can make a system for twelve tasks that are eating up your energy stores dry. When you think of something you "have to do," stop and ask yourself why you have to do it. You probably don't.
Tip no.5- Take a multi-vitamin. In basic fitness tips, your insurance policy to get the nutrition your body craves, you’re better be taking antioxidants, calcium, Folic acid, and the whole gamut of vitamins and minerals. This will help you build stronger bones giving you a healthier body. These multi-vitamins help maximize your metabolism and boost your energy level.
Tip no.6- Create and use 10 Daily Habits. There is an everyday routine which will help keep you motivated, clear, focused, and moving forward - your 10 Daily Habits. These will be the things you do each day which will make your life better like for example, 6 veggies a day, no TV after dinner, 20 minutes of vigorous exercise and make 5 sales.
Tip no.7- Get enough quality sleep. Denying yourself of sleep makes you less productive and grumpy. You will also age prematurely and will be prone to serious illnesses such as hypertension and diabetes. Make sure you’re having a steady 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Tip no.8- Come from a better place - improve your attitude. Stop trying to change your behavior. It might never happen, instead, start shifting the change on your outlook in life. Replace your negative outlooks with good positive ones.
Tip no.9- Feed your body well, and feed it often. If you want plenty of energy in addition to boosting your metabolism, two or three meals a day just won't do it. Spread your meals throughout the day (4-6), balance them with protein, fruits and veggies, and a few good fats such as almonds or walnuts, or sunflower or olive oil, and your body will be like a machine that is well-oiled, leaner, more energized, and performing at its peak.
Tip no.10- Drink your water! The last tip on your basic fitness tips is this, which most of us really take for granted. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day - even a slight dehydration makes you feel lazy. You need to maximize your liver's ability to metabolize fat by drinking more water so that the liver doesn't have to work overtime just to detoxify your body. Control your weight and appetite.
Steven_WS Admin
Number of posts : 267 Age : 58 Location : Albert,Canada Job/hobbies : Exercise, online stuff and Motorcycles. Picture : Vitality For Life! Points : 62503 Registration date : 2007-12-21
Subject: Re: 10 Basic Fitness Tips Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:21 pm
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