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Supplements For Women Empty
PostSubject: Supplements For Women   Supplements For Women EmptySun Dec 04, 2022 4:24 pm

Women face far more health tussles than men. Remember that time you wanted to romp under the sheets with her and she said she was not in the mood? It is true, she wasn’t in the mood and she wasn’t to blame. It is her body! It is the hormones. As a result of their physiology, women need to mind their health closely, even more than men. They are more likely to experience hot flushes, sleep loss and stress. And they even need to take more supplements.

Supplements For Women Croppe10

What are some of the supplements that women can take?

Maca Root

This is mostly taken in powder form, this supplement is good for getting rid of hot flushes, enhancing your sleeping experience and basically making sure that you enjoy life. Maca root has for many centuries been used in Peru to cure infertility in women, increase libido and ease the symptoms of menopause. Rich in zinc and phytonutrients, this supplement is going to enhance a woman’s sexual health a great deal. It is also available in capsule form.


One thing that many people do not know about flaxseed is that it helps to lower the bad cholesterol. Bad cholesterol will be lined alongside the walls of your blood vessels, and that will in return hamper your circulatory health. Thankfully, there are natural flaxseed supplements in the market for anyone.


Now, who doesn’t know about garlic? This is the real deal and most people say that it is a strong antibiotic that bacteria have not been able to evolve their resistance against. It is also a strong antioxidant and it will help rid the body of the free radicals that cause cell damage.

One downside of garlic though is the smell and that is why it is referred to as the stinking rose. Thus, many people prefer to take garlic supplements, which allow them to enjoy the same health benefits as the person who takes raw garlic in their food, but this time minus the stink.

Aloe Vera

Aloe is very popular in Africa where virtually every condition is treated using this wonderful herb. It is even fed to poultry and other domestic animals to cure them of various illnesses. Women can use aloe supplements to protect their skin against dermatitis caused by radiation. You will find it in forms of moisturizing creams, gels and lotions.

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