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Abdominal Exercises That Works Empty
PostSubject: Abdominal Exercises That Works   Abdominal Exercises That Works EmptyTue Sep 08, 2009 6:46 pm

Abdominal exercises are one of the most important parts of fitness exercises. A lot of people go to the gym and join health clubs with a goal to achieve a slimmer and trimmer waistline. One of the most common fitness goals is to have a six-pack abs embedded on a hard and solid stomach. Abdominal workouts are the only possible way to achieve this kind of muscle definition in your stomach.

If you dream of having a flat stomach with well-formed muscles, the kind of stomach that you always see on a lot of fitness magazine cover you have to do a lot of abdominal exercises. Working your abs will strengthen your stomach muscles. The benefits of doing abdominal workouts are beyond the cosmetic sphere. With stronger stomach you can improve your performance in any sport and will prevent chiropractic problems as well.

The core of all abdominal exercises is the crunch. This simple motion consists of lying on your back with your knees bent up, placing your hands behind your head or crossed over your chest, and contracting your abdominal muscles to pull the top half of your torso off the ground. Most abdominal workouts consist of variations on this basic exercise, so it is a useful technique to master if you are new to working out. Instead of relying on momentum, you should use your muscles and don’t let the strain of the movement creep into your neck.

Remember that any work your neck is doing is work that your abs aren’t doing. Abdominal exercises should be done properly if you want to see progressing end results.

These are known as the “love handles,” and follow the curvature of your side from your waist to your hips. You will be able to get a trimmer looking figure if you are able to continuously firm your oblique. Crunches that help work out your upper abs and oblique are some of the most dramatic and fastest way of getting results of any abdominal exercises.

In the variations of abdominal exercises, an oblique crunch is the same as a sit-up or regular crunch. The major difference is that rather than coming straight up from the ground, you come up at an angle across your body, hence forth the oblique. This twisting motion brings your oblique into the action along with your abs, giving you twice the impact of a traditional crunch. When you are doing oblique crunches, contract your abdominal and oblique muscles as hard as you can as soon as you reach the top of your crunch. This will provide you with maximum efficiency as you push your muscles to the next level. Alternate which sides you twist towards to make sure that you are giving both sides of your torso an equal dose of abdominal workout. Consistently working out your abdominal muscles with the appropriate workout regimen will give you the trimmer, six-packed abs that is embedded on a solid hard stomach that you have always dreamed of.
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