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 Losing weight in your pet

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Number of posts : 2
Picture : Just Do It!
Points : 54946
Registration date : 2009-11-24

Losing weight in your pet Empty
PostSubject: Losing weight in your pet   Losing weight in your pet EmptyTue Nov 24, 2009 2:17 am

Feed your pet less. Check with your vet or on your pet's food
container to see what the ideal food measurement should be for your
pet's size, age and breed. You may find that you are feeding your pet
too much.

your pet regular exercise. Even if you can only squeeze in one or two
walks, a trip to the local dog park or one good long play in the yard
each week, that could be enough to help your pet shed those extra

your vet to check your pet's thyroid. Hypothyroidism can cause weight
gain, hair loss, fatigue and many other symptoms. If your pet displays
these or other unusual symptoms and there is no other obvious
explanation for the weight gain, a thyroid disease is possible. A
simple blood test can tell you whether your pet is suffering from a
thyroid issue.

if you are giving your pet too many treats. Animal treats are quite
frequently high in calories and fat and can dramatically increase your
pet's calorie intake even if they are eating a normal amount of pet
food. Cut back on treats and see whether your pet's weight drops.

your pet toys to play with. Sometimes weight gain can be caused by a
sedentary lifestyle. Perhaps your pet sleeps all day while you are gone
at work. Make toys accessible to your pet--so long as they ado not pose
a choking hazard--and your pet will be more likely to play, and thus
burn calories, while you are away.

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul
remains unawakened."

Frontline Spray||Pet Wormers

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