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PostSubject: Poisons to Avoid   Poisons to Avoid EmptyWed Oct 29, 2014 7:27 pm

Poisons to Avoid

You've heard the typical warnings that are issued in summertime. While you've been trying to protect yourself from sun rays that are actually beneficial and opting for the chicken salad instead of a burger; you may be hurting yourself in the process. You can continue to fill your summer with fun by being aware of some common poisons our American culture has unknowingly embraced.

How do slaughterhouses clean your chicken? As it turns out, chlorine is not used just for swimming pools. The conventional poultry industry has been actively using chlorine baths to remove the risk of salmonella poisoning. The farmed chickens are injected with large amounts of antibiotics over time. This results in the salmonella becoming resistant to the antibiotics. In fact, since 1997, the European Union has boycotted this section of our food supply and refuses to accept poultry exports from America.
This industry paper states that "Chlorine is one of the most widely used chemicals for sanitation in the food processing industry." So why is it necessary to use such strong chemicals in poultry processing? According to Severn Trent Water Purification, the "advantages of using chlorine include: kills bacteria, controls slime and algae, increases product shelf life, and eliminates costly hand cleaning..." Essentially this "water purification" company believes that the only way to provide safe chicken is by exposing it to high-strength chlorine gas, powder, or liquid. Hungry yet?

Ammonia or carbon monoxide with your beef?
Are the days of "lean, finely textured beef (LFTB)" over or are we just not seeing as many pictures these days? According to the Food Safety and Inspection Service's 2014 directive, "lean, finely textured beef" is treated with anhydrous ammonia and a "carbon dioxide treatment". Also, according to Cargill, the pink slime will still be in existence. Instead of using ammonia this year, they intend to create the pink slime with citric acid.
The easy escape from cookouts with chemically treated meat is to either get it from a farm, or grow it yourself. Agricultural and chemical giants are allowed to inject these chemicals into plants and animals because sometimes the effects are not instant. It is generally assumed that if you do not get sick within 24-48 hours then what you ate was "safe". However, the long term effects of consuming meat treated with ammonia, bleach, and antibiotics can be detrimental.
When water comes in close contact with ammonia treated meat it creates ammonium hydroxide. This "ammonia liquid" has a very adverse effect on the health of your organs. Although ammonia and ammonium are present within your kidneys; extended exposure disturbs the natural balance of your body. Where you normally find ammonium hydroxide is in floor cleaner, window cleaner, and of course, your fast food burger.
Ammonium hydroxide also kills the beneficial bacteria in your intestines. You absolutely have to have healthy flora in order to process food. When the good bacteria in your body suffers, it creates the perfect breeding grounds for yeast overgrowth.
Chronic yeast overgrowth leads to IBS and Crohn's Disease. This is why probiotics are an essential supplement. Even if you have not been subject to a series of antibiotic injections, if you eat commercial meat, your intestines may not be healthy. The beauty of this situation is that the body is an immaculate design which heals itself when provided the correct nutrition, probiotics, and trace minerals.
Propylene Glycol

The tie that binds e-cigarettes, toothpaste, & antifreeze

You deserve to know exactly what you're putting in your body. Many of the products used topically, especially beauty products, are loaded with chemicals. Propylene glycol (a chemical solvent), is one of the main ingredients used in beauty products for its ability to keep things moist, extend shelf life, and even dissolve other substances.
The same petroleum based liquid smokers use for e-cigarettes are used in:
Nasal spray
Meat processing
Packaged baked goods
Ice cream
Brake fluid
Here's where propylene glycol meets your chicken stir fry. Propylene glycol or PG is combined with a bacteria-killing compound called cetylpyridinium to control bacteria. This is used by meat manufacturers to treat the exterior of the chicken. Hungry yet?
Brominated Vegetable Oil

Brominated vegetable oil is used as a flame retardant; it's also used in many major label, fruit flavored sodas and "sports drinks". Why is flame retardant in your soda? The companies which use this synthetic additive keep this as an ingredient for its ability to prevent the citrus flavoring from separating from the other ingredients.
Think BVO is not that bad? Chemical engineers in the United Kingdom use naturally-derived hydrocolloid, because BVO has been banned. A major soda company is currently in the process of phasing out this ingredient. Of course it doesn't end here, this flame retardant is only going to be replaced with sucrose acetate isobutyrate. The results of studies conducted so far on sucrose acetate isobutyrate show that this synthetic chemical will not play much of a role in keeping you healthy.
The UK is not alone; Japan has also banned this ingredient because of its ability to accumulate in fat cells. So why is this a danger to you? Brominated vegetable oil happens to disrupt your endocrine system. This prevents you from generating certain hormones and hinders your ability to absorb iodine.
Commercial Sunscreen - You need vitamin D, don't block it

A study conducted by Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha and the University of California San Diego School of Medicine show the required amounts of vitamin D needed by an average individual. Several thousands of participants took 1,000 to 10,000 IU daily.
The results showed that 4,000 to 8,000 IU is the ideal range of vitamin D required to reduce the risk of most diseases. Whole food supplementation from raw, vine-ripened fruits and vegetables and sunlight is the best way to ensure continued health.
Many companies and organizations benefit financially from encouraging your purchase of sunscreen. That's a part of the reason why American culture has grown to embrace it so much. Cancer is much more of a threat to a person who eats processed food and has an acidic body, than someone who enjoys the sun everyday.
In addition, sunscreen contains chemicals and your skin absorbs nearly everything. The best items to place on the skin are items that you would eat, like coconut oil. Which by the way, gives you a thin layer of protection against pathogens. Your protection against any harm the sun can cause should come from a nutritious, antioxidant-rich diet.

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