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PostStimulife Coffee

Stimulife COFFEE

"Stimulate Your Life Today!"


Enjoy this deep and invigorating coffee herb blend. This shockingly good brew has a remarkable health benefits thus making it the ideal coffee drink. Over five years perfecting the perfect combination of coffee, herbs and teas.


Heavy, dark, and rich with a bold roasted flavor.


Earthly and roasted with a hint of organic herb.


Dark roasted Coffee, Chaga Mushroom, Yerba Mate, Dandelion root and Organic green tea.

Health Benefits

"Two cups a day and your on your way"


A growing body of research shows that coffee drinkers, compared to nondrinkers, are:

less likely to have type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and dementia
have fewer cases of certain cancers, heart rhythm problems, and strokes.


The “Gift from God”

Rather than soft like a mushroom, chaga is hard, almost as hard as wood. It is unique, nothing like common mushrooms. In fact, chaga is the most nutritionally dense of all tree growths. Known by the Siberians as the “Gift from God” and the “Mushroom of Immortality,” this vibrant growth has been used by humans to support health for thousands of years. The Japanese call it “The Diamond of the Forest,” while the Chinese deem it “King of Plants.” For the Chinese that is saying a lot, since they have an immense history with countless plants.

Yerba Mate:

Yerba Mate Provides a Wealth of Nutrients,

The Pasteur Institute and the Paris Scientific society in 1964 were interested in this healthy source of vitamins and did a thorough study of its properties. The investigators concluded "it is difficult to find a plant in any area of the world equal to mate in nutritional value" and that yerba mate contains "practically all of the vitamins necessary to sustain life."  In addition, results from a study done by researchers at the University of Madrid assert a high content of mineral elements, especially K, Mg, and Mn, in mate. They considered those findings “to be of great relevance” to the nutritional value of mate infusions.

Dandelion Root:

The health benefits of dandelion include relief from liver disorders, diabetes, urinary disorders, acne, jaundice, cancer and anemia. It also helps in maintaining bone health, skin care and is a benefit to weight loss programs.

Green Tea:

Green Tea is a powerful antioxidant with compounds that can shield you from many harmful diseases including cancer and heart disease. It is now known that green tea improves cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of cancer and helps with weight loss.

One of these compounds is EGCG, which is a substance with 25 to 100 times the antioxidant power of vitamins C and E. In fact, just one cup of green tea has more antioxidants than a serving of broccoli, spinach, carrots, or strawberries.

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